Issue 19, 21 November 2023
- From the Principal, Mr Damian Smith
- Mass of Thanksgiving
- Graduation Dinner
- Staffing
- Port Augusta Christmas Pageant
- Primary Carols Night
- From the Leader of Catholic Identity, Chloe Shanahan
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Advent - A Season of Preparation
- Teaching and Learning
- Reception White - Phonics
- Year 4 - STEM
- Centenary of Fallen Soldier's Memorial
- Out and About
Last Friday we came together as a school community to celebrate our Mass of Thanksgiving. It was a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the successes and achievements of the 2023 year. Of course, there was a particular focus on our Year 12 students as they have now completed their schooling journey. We asked for God’s blessing on them as they step into a new phase of their life beyond school.
Two students from each cohort in R-6, 7-9 and 10-12 were presented with a Saint Mary of the Cross Christian Leadership Medallion to acknowledge their contribution to our school community this year. Well done to the recipients of these awards. We also acknowledged the incredible impact Annette Honan has had on our school community through her ongoing volunteering by presenting her with the Rowan Ramsey Community Award.
The Mass of Thanksgiving was a great opportunity to live out our faith and show gratitude for each other and our school community as the school year draws to an end.

Following on from the Mass of Thanksgiving, the Year 12 graduates and their families gathered to celebrate their Graduation Dinner in the evening at Central Oval. There was a great procession of glitz and glamour as the graduates and their families arrived.
The graduates were presented with a Student Achievement Record and a parting gift from the College. Individual efforts were acknowledged, and awards were presented to students in a variety of categories. The School Leaders gave an inspiring reflection on their time at Caritas College, demonstrating their sense of gratitude and appreciation for the school community. We also said farewell to a number of loyal families who concluded their time with our school.
The Graduation Dinner was a successful event that rounded off an incredible journey for our Year 12 students. We wish them all the best for what lies ahead.
Families received communication last week from Mrs Nichii Mardon, Director of Catholic Education SA Port Pirie Diocese, relating to the appointment of Mrs Lexie Morris to the position of Acting Deputy Principal at Caritas College starting in 2024. Lexie is highly competent in working with students, families and staff. She demonstrates a deep commitment to the mission, vision and values of our College. Please join me in congratulating Lexie on her appointment.
It is normal for us to farewell a number of staff at the end of each year. We will be doing this formally in the coming weeks. Nonetheless, it is important that I mention Mrs Mary Manning and Mrs Anna Beach. Both Mary and Anna have worked at Caritas College for significant lengths of time. Anna has been on leave this year but continues to provide private music tuition to students at our school. Mary will conclude her time as Deputy Principal at the end of the year before taking up a new role within the Catholic Education Office. Anna and Mary have both given considerable service and dedication to our school community and it is fitting that we recognise and celebrate their achievements in a way that reflects the length of their commitment to our College
As part of the community Christmas celebrations, Caritas College will have a float in the Port Augusta Rotary Christmas Pageant on Friday 1st December. Students from Years 3-4 and Year 7 Gold will be leading the way with their float called ‘The First Christmas’. We look forward to being involved in this important community event.
The Primary Carols Night is planned for Monday 4th December (Week 8). We are excited to be able to host this event and look forward to seeing lots of families and friends attend to celebrate the end of the school year. We will be presenting some special awards to students and, of course, beginning to spread the Christmas cheer with carols and lots of dancing.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation program began last weekend, as we welcomed young parishioners and their families to begin their preparation to receive this sacrament later in the term. Families are reminded that this coming weekend, 18/19 November, is a spare weekend if they were unable to attend last weekend or know there is a weekend they will be unable to attend later in the program. Next weekend, the 25th and 26th of November, is the Rite of Election and Parent’s Education weekend where we endorse God’s choice of the young people who have been called to become people of forgiveness and being forgiven.
The season of Advent begins on Sunday 3 December, and so does the beginning of the new liturgical year of the Church. The Advent wreath is a sign to us of the coming of Christ our Light into our lives and our world.
Advent is a time to pause and reflect upon our lives and to decide what is important and where our energy and attention should be focused. As Christians, the more we pause and reflect, the more we become open to the presence of God in our lives and the power of God’s grace to shape our lives. Advent is the time for conscious reflect upon our lives in the light of the presence of Christ among us.
As we see in our society, the Christmas preparations have begun and this is a real challenge for us. At this time of year, the parties, events and Christmas events will begin and we speed up and busy ourselves in attempting to do so many things. The invitation to us throughout Advent is the opposite. A time to pause, slow down, reflect, listen and pray – making the experience personal. Advent is a time for more prayer as individuals, families and as part of our All Saints parish community.
Advent is an opportunity for real change and renewal in our lives, unleashing the power to reflect upon our lives, humbly name our challenges, be freed and forgiven for past choices and experiencing the loving forgiveness of God as we move forward with hope and confidence.
Our Reception White students have been using Sound Sort sheets to identify different objects that begin with each letter of the alphabet. They coloured different objects, then had to cut and stick them with their beginning sound.

Our Year 4 students have been bridge-building in STEM! After discussing the various types of bridges that have been built around the world (including what worked and what didn't), students used different materials to design and build their own bridges, exploring what types of supports allowed their bridges to hold weight.

Thursday 16th November marked 100 years since the unveiling of the Port Augusta Memorial for Fallen Soldiers. The Port Augusta RSL hosted a ceremony in Gladstone Square to commemorate this special occasion where a number of dignitaries gathered to pay their respects. Four of our student leaders represented Caritas at this event, where they read out the names of fallen soldiers as a tribute to the ultimate sacrifice made in the name of our country. Thank you to all those involved, and especially the Port Augusta RSL for organising the ceremony.

Important Dates
Caritas College Senior Art Exhibition
R-2 Assembly (RecB)
SAPSASA Super 8's Cricket
Year 9 Community Day
Yrs 10 & 11 Last Day
Yrs 10 & 11 Assembly (Student Leaders)
R-6 Carols Night & Arts Showcase
Caritas College Board Meeting
Middle School Transition Days (day 1)
Middle School Transition Day (day 2)
Yrs R-9 Last Day of Term 4
Student Free Day
Student Free Day
Term 4 Concludes
