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2023 Paschal Candle


In 2022 Fr Jim approached the Caritas College Senior Art Teacher, Ms Courtney Redden, to collaborate with a number students and Fr Brian (formally of Jamestown) to design and make the 2023 Paschal Candle for the Port Augusta Parish Church.  

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Year 12 Shared Lunch


Today the Year 12s gathered together to share a meal that they had prepared to raise funds for Project Compassion. Students helped to cook damper, rice and soup and then shared their meal with one another, each student paying $5 for Project Compassion. The students also made sandwiches, which were taken to Father Jim to distribute to the less fortunate who visit the presbytery.

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Sr Mary Laurencia Memorial Service


Today our Year 5-12 student leaders accompanied Fr Jim, several parishioners and a number of staff memberrs travelled to the Stirling North Cemetery for the annual memorial service for Sr Mary Laurencia at her graveside.   

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2023 Opening School Liturgy


Today we celebrated our Opening School Liturgy by coming together as a community to celebrate and give thanks for the new school year.  Our theme for this year is "Called to Community". The word community comes from a Latin word which means "common… shared by all or many”.

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Student Leadership Josephite Immersion


On Friday 3rd February, our Year 12 Student Leaders rose bright and early and left for Adelaide to engage in our annual Josephite Immersion Experience. 

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2022 SACE Results


Caritas College congratulates our Year 12 Class of 2022 on their excellent South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) results.  

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Year 12 Art Showcase


Congratulations to our Year 12 Visual Arts students for the exhibition of their practical work at the Platform Gallery.  The exhibition opened on Monday evening with more than 60 people in attendance.  It was great to see family and friends appreciate the artwork created by our students.  The standard of work is more than impressive and reflects the knowledge, skills, commitment and creativity of our students.


Mass of Thanksgiving


On Friday the school community gathered together to celebrate the Mass of Thanksgiving.  It was a wonderful opportunity to bring to fullness the school year.  In particular, it was of significant importance for our Year 12s who were coming to the completion of their schooling journey.  It was lovely to watch the Year 12 students process into the Mass holding the hand of a Reception student.  The symbolism of this part of the Mass captures and reflects the essence of who we are as a Catholic school community - a place we can grow.  


Graduation Dinner


Following the Mass of Thanksgiving, the Year 12 students and their families gathered to celebrate their Graduation Dinner at Central Oval.  It was an excellent celebration to mark the end of the Year 12's schooling journey.  Old scholar, Nathan Freeman, was our guest speaker and he spoke incredibly well about his school journey and beyond.  He presented as a wonderful advocate for Catholic education, rural life and following your dreams.  Awards were presented to students to acknowledge individual efforts and commitment throughout the year.  It was a fitting way to farewell our graduates as we send them off into an exciting future with our blessings and best wishes.

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Sacrament of Confirmation


On Saturday 20 August, 11 students and their families came together to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Karol and Father Jim, at All Saints Catholic Parish.

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A place where we can grow

Joy in belonging | Pride in achieving | Hope in serving