
Website Image Sleep Out.jpg

Year 12 Sleep Out


From 7:30pm students gathered on school grounds carrying sleeping bags, pillows, comforters and doonas, and anything else they thought would help keep the coldness at bay. Everyone was in good spirits as we played a variety of games to wile away the hours before getting ready for bed.  As we settled into our sleeping bags, we were grateful for the mild weather conditions. Sleeping mats provided little comfort on the hard, cold concrete floor, however we were not there to be comfortable. Our purpose was to experience one night of homelessness, to give us a taste of what it must be like for thousands of Australians every night of the week. As people lucky enough to have a roof over our heads, it is difficult to imagine the fear and anxiety felt by many as they desperately try to find somewhere safe and warm to spend the night, not everyone sleeping rough is lucky enough to find shelter out the weather.

A big thank you to all Year 12s who participated in Thursday night’s adventure, I am sure we are all just that bit more appreciative of our comfy warm beds.

Thanks also to Mr Wallis, Mr O’Brien, Mr Kuerschner, Mr Hentschke and Ms A who kept us company

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