Student Learning & Pastoral Care


A Family Information Evening is generally held during the first week of Term 1. The purpose of this event is to provide a smooth transition from year to year and to foster a positive relationship between home and school.
The evening is structured to give families the flexibility to attend one or more sessions if needed.  We know that a dynamic partnership must exist between home and school over many years to support and nurture a student through their schooling to become the best they can be. Therefore, we encourage all families to be involved and participate in this event. Teachers use this time to share some insights into their teaching practice and provide parents/caregivers with an opportunity to ask questions. 
In 2024, Year 8 - 11 Pastoral Care teachers provided individual videos/powerpoint presentations per year level for parents/caregivers to watch in their own time outlining routines, expectations and other important information.  These are available for viewing below. 


Online Bookings Now Closed

R-12 Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations are held bi-annually.  They are a wonderful opportunity to build on the important relationship that must exist between ‘home’ and ‘school’. 

Semester 2 Parent/Teacher Learning Conversations are NOW CLOSED. 

As always, our teachers are happy to be contacted to discuss your child's learning and wellbeing needs if you have any concerns.

Behaviour Education

Caritas College is committed to a wholistic education where student learning and wellbeing are integral to the school vision. The dignity and worth of each person is valued and it is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that behaviours at school enable students to learn and teachers to teach.  Respectful behaviours of self, others, the environment and property are expected and are based on Gospel values of forgiveness, justice and compassion.

Caritas College uses a balanced approach to behaviour education. A proactive, educative approach is promoted. This balanced approach to behaviour education therefore requires educative, pastoral, legal and disciplinary responses to individual behaviours and circumstances.

The Caritas College Behaviour Education Policy supports our school motto ‘In All Things Love,’ reflecting our efforts to assure the right of every member to a safe environment and the responsibility of every person to promote safe practices.

Pastoral Care

At Caritas College, an integral part of the curriculum is the explicit Pastoral Care program developed and implemented by teachers from Reception to Year 12 and delivered as timetabled lessons each week.

The program covers a range of age appropriate topics based on developmental and social needs. Pastoral Care lessons also provide opportunities for inter-class activities, class meetings and guest speakers.

Pastoral Care works alongside the wellbeing support structures that are in place and includes principles and practices from the field of Positive Education.

Positive Education

Positive Education in our Catholic context complements and draws motivation from Gospel values; it provides a new language for an enduring belief and therefore is congruent with the vision and mission of Caritas College. The key for a life of purpose in the Catholic tradition is for each person to develop and discern their God-given gifts and talents to their fullest, to use in the service of God, working to make the world a better place.

Positive Education focuses on specific skills that assist students to strengthen their relationships, build positive emotions, enhance personal resilience, promote mindfulness, and encourage a healthy lifestyle. It also aims to foster engagement amongst students, encourage them to achieve and, ultimately, equip them with the qualities to enable them to fulfil their life purposes.

Over the course of the year the Keeping Safe; Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is  taught to all year levels, Reception to Year 12, providing students with the knowledge and skills across four focus areas: The right to be safe, Relationships, Recognising and reporting abuse and Protective strategies. This is another important element in ensuring the ongoing wellbeing for our students.

Student Leadership

Students are encouraged to develop, nurture and foster their leadership skills through service in the class, school and town community. There are a number of initiatives which invite students to develop their skills:

  • The Student Representative Council is formed each year with a number of designated committees created to develop actions within the student body.
  • Students are invited to participate in the School Board Student Learning and Wellbeing Committee in the construction and review of school policies to ensure a student voice is incorporated.
  • Students at Year 12 participate in the Learning Assistance Program (LAP) as a means of exercising their leadership in the school community.
  • Justice actions are developed through committees and through class actions during the Caritas Australia Project Compassion Campaign and the Advent Challenge Students participate and represent the College at community youth events and in meeting local civic and religious functions.

A place where we can grow

Joy in belonging | Pride in achieving | Hope in serving